Lawn Enforcement Landscaping is experienced with Drain Tile Repair Vancouver. We remove aging/clogged drainage tiles and replace them with City Inspected 4” PVC Perforated Drainage Pipe, separated 4” Rain Leader, and Drainage Sumps. We own our own excavator.
If you detect moisture in your basement walls, you may have something wrong with your drain tile system. But it isn’t the only sign. Water-backup, drain clogging and basement flooding are other signs of a faulty or damaged drainage system. These signs don’t necessarily indicate that your entire system needs repair. It could just be that part of your system needs replacement or perhaps a just tune-up. Drain tile systems should be inspected once a year to avoid the symptoms of a damaged system (i.e. basement flooding, moisture in your walls, foundation leaks etc.).
Drain tile systems are a vital part of your property preservation as they facilitate the flow of excess water, allowing it to drain away from your house. Older systems will eventually deteriorate and may be insufficient to your drainage needs. Depending on how long the moisture has been in the walls, there may be mold or structural damage. Keeping your basement dry and your foundation protected can be achieved with a properly installed drain tile system from Lawn Enforcement Landscaping, stopping water from coming into contact with your foundation walls altogether.
Drain Tile Repair Vancouver is achieved by rerouting the water towards the weeping tile, which then moves the water away from the base of your foundation, keeping your basement dry. The experts at Lawn Enforcement Landscaping will do a complete inspection of your foundation, checking out the effectiveness of your current Drain Tile system, paying attention to things like the geographical area of your home and what time of year it is before they make their recommendations for any repairs. We will also advise you on foundation wall membrane options before reinstalling drain rock.
Water damage can cause significant problems, for your house and your family. Why not contact us today to set up a meeting with an Estimator.